How You Can Better Utilise Your Time Spent at Home During the Lockdown
This pandemic has gotten to us by surprise; this much is true. Right from the beginning of the month, we’d heard stories of how this virus may have come about.
Thankfully, the lot of you who are in synchronization with the #StayAtHome (Self) initiative & the #Lockdown (India’s) action, can utilize your time spent at home a whole lot better.
Here are some quick quirks & tips on how you can make the most of your time spent at home while the heroes are out saving the day(s)
1) Get Enrolled in Soft-Skill Courses, English Learning Programmes & More.
There are a lot of well-established online portals that offer a plethora of free courses across various genres, subjects & topics. Here, top-quality education is provided by several well-qualified & highly-distinguished faculty and teachers; and, the overall atmosphere-created through the online learning experience has appealed to a lot of eager learners & students over the years.
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