What is the Fashion Designing Fee Structure at INIFD Pune Kothrud?

 Fashion designing has turned out to be one of the most sought-after choices of career amongst today’s generation. It provides outstanding opportunities in or related to the ever-booming fashion industry.

But these days enrolling for a course in fashion design would require a lot of consideration in terms of -

  • The particular area in fashion designing that you want to learn about,
  • The structure and the duration of the course,
  • And perhaps, the most important thing, the fee structure of the fashion designing courses in Pune for which you are seeking admission.


Things that influence the course fees for fashion designing

Depending on if the course is full-time or part-time the fee structure is decided. The fees will vary depending on the benefits offered by the institute, such as placement options and opportunities for project work and internship among other things. Other factors that might come into consideration are the credibility of the certificate and the popularity of the institute.

At INIFD, Kothrud, Pune, depending on the course (Expert or Advanced) the fee structure varies. For the Expert and the Advanced course, the net annual fees are Rs. 1,27,230/- and Rs. 1,02,230/-. As a spot decision benefit, you get a discount of Rs. 2000/-

You are also provided with the option of paying the annual course fees for the Expert and the Advanced course, in instalments as an initial registration fee, followed by four monthly instalments, amounting to Rs. 1,32,230/- and Rs. 1,07,230/- respectively. This also includes the benefit of Rs. 2000 for spot decision.

Inifd pune Fashion-Designing-fee-structure

Related Post - Fashion Designing at INIFD Kothrud - Choose to be Different

What is included in the annual fees?

The annual fees charged by INIFD, Kothrud Pune includes the in-the-classroom teaching, study material, library fees, tuition fees, CAD courses, industrial and site visits and a lot of extra-curricular benefits.

For more details about the fashion designing certification courses and the complete fee structure follow the link - Fashion Design Fee Structure. Admissions are currently open for the academic year 2019-20 with limited seats remaining!

So take a wise decision and move your career in the right direction. Come and join the INIFD Kothrud family today!

Related Post - What is the Admission Process for Fashion/Interior Designing at INIFD Kothrud?


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